Wednesday, 4 June 2014


I spent part of today organizing auditions to direct a short play. This will be the first time for a while I have directed and I hope to entertain the audience and complement two other plays in the same program.

The play in question is a light comedy and written by an Australian Author who lives in Queensland.

This post is about connections, setting up the auditions and the way we do things in this day and age.

connections - a comedy of errors, assumptions and connecting
receives email about meeting tomorrow for information sharing
reads FB - sees a title of discussion amongst friends - wonders why name is in list - goes away
receives text - did you see discussion on FB - needs decisions from you...
reads FB and starts to type up information for discussion
receives 2 messages and missed call from friend - re discussion - missed while answering q's.
rings friend and is asked to go on FB with information
reads and loads information to FB
receives emailed information on discussion results... e-newsletter

connections (twitter.... tweet on... love my PLN!)

(caveat - can't remember where I got the owls...sorry)

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