Tuesday, 7 May 2013

you don’t write, you don’t phone, but man do you tweet

I live and work isolated from others in the profession, it is 600km to the nearest capital city. I am the only ‘Academic Librarian in the village’ (ref. ‘Little Britian’ J) of approx. 30,000, that I am aware of, there may be some lurking out there… *waves*.

Sharing within the profession face to face is difficult and not possible on a daily basis, unless - Skype, and yet I don't feel isolated and this is why...

I have set up a sharing personal learning network (PLN) online and mainly on twitter.

They don’t write, and they don’t phone, but every day I have a wonderful conversation with others in the profession. We swap library stories, we swap new tech information and share things we have seen and images we have taken. Some of the links from Australian and NZ Library folk are amazing, informative and take you down many information roads.

Library folk love to share, on any normal day, I can, for example, read a blog from a student completing a MLS and why, see an image of a Library overseas or join in a discussion on the merits of which new RSS feed app to use as our favourite one is disappearing *sniff*.

We swap family success stories and tales of woe and sometimes a yummy recipe or two, really it can be just like sharing desks in an office, just, from a distance.

This is a brilliant lively river of learning and friendship and I encourage you to dip into it. You don’t have to gain skills to tweet, just join the conversation in 140 characters or less J.

*Waves* to PLN 

I also recommend you consider this,



  1. Well said, Theresa. Although, as one who has had the fortunate opportunity to visit you, it is also great to catch up over a coffee! :-) Lyndelle

    1. Hey Lyndelle, nice to hear from you. I loved catching up. We need more of it. TB

  2. Imagine life without your PLN, how dull and tedious it would be...

    Great post, keep blogging :)

    1. There is NO wonderful Library life without my PLN.

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